19 December 2011

Uzumaki (Japan, 2000)

The plot concerns a small town infected with malevolent spirals. More and more people becomes obsessed with the pattern until things really gets crazy.

Watching this movie a late night, alone, is one hell of a weird experience. There are some gory scenes, and yes you'll probably get frightened by something that suddenly jumps out, but this movie is more like being under the influence of some crazy drug than watching a horror movie. The director is very playful in his way of framing his shots, and it's clear he didn't want to make a quick cash in, but a serious and faithful adaption of the manga from which the film is based upon. The special effects has a B-movie quality to them, and there's some obvious overacting, but it fits with the surreal atmosphere. 

One of my favorite things about the movie is the fact that it's not a psychopath that does the killing, it's not a serial killer nor is it ghosts. The culprit is simply a pattern. A spiral (see if you can find all the hidden ones!), and I just love that concept of a pattern that influences people and gradually takes over an entire town. For the last half-hour or so, you'll feel like your head is spinning down a green spiral. 

I also highly recommend that you read the manga by Junji Ito, of which the film is based on, it's really good. Disturbing, but really good.

Genre: Horror

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