22 December 2011

Tekkonkinkreet (Japan, 2006)

In Treasure Town, life can be both peaceful and violent. This is never truer than for our heroes, Black and White - two street kids who claim to traverse the urban city as if it were their own. But in this town, an undercurrent of evil exists and has its sights set on the pair of brothers, forcing them to engage in battle with an array of old-world Yakuza as well as dangerous assassins vying to rule the decaying metropolis, Treasure Town.

STUDIO4°C have with Tekkonkinkreet created a visual work of art, and nothing less.  I honestly love how boxy expensive animation has become, with rough edges on the characters. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you will. What it lacks in story, it makes up for in breathtaking animation, and when the plot picks up the pace it only goes to show that this is an unforgettable journey.

Genre: Action/Adventure

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