25 July 2021

Violence Voyager (Japan, 2018)

Following an end-of-term school ceremony, the American boy Bobby decides to go with his friend Akkun into the mountains outside their village to a place perfect for a secret base. On the way they step into a mysterious amusement park. They have fun there, but are attacked and realize the park manager never intended for them to leave.

Violence Voyager is director Ujicha's follow-up to his amazingly strange The Burning Buddha Man (2013), and once again we're exposed to his twisted fantasy where the horrors come to life using tons and tons of unique paper-craft characters. It sounds silly, but the mature tone and the very thought out movements of the characters makes it a joy to watch. The story is part David Cronenberg, part Junji Ito; body horror, gore and the innocence of youth gets introduced to a dark world where there aren't any happy endings. 

The power of friendship is in focus, and while the film is surprisingly punishing towards its characters the strength in cooperation and and defeating evil together are what's in the film's message. A gem of demented, disgusting (and lovely) horror.

Genre: Animation/Horror. 1h 23 min.

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