In 2199, five years after the start of the Gamilas attack on Earth, the planet has been ravaged by the aliens' radiation bombs and the remnants of humanity have fled underground. One day, former pilot Susumu Kodai discovers a capsule sent from the planet Iskandar that tells of a device that can remove the radiation from the Earth's surface. The United Nations of Space Administration rebuilds the battleship Yamato and begins the long trip to Iskandar and back in hopes of saving the Earth.
During World War II, Yamato was a battleship that served with the Imperial Japanese Navy and were one of the most powerful battleships that had ever been constructed. Many years later, Yamato was rebuilt as a starship and used to save the Earth in the animated series Space Battleship Yamato. Fast forward even more years and we reach the point where we got a feature film that's based on the anime TV series.
It got some really good special effects by Japanese standards, and it's too bad that there isn't more space battles and enemy warships that threatens mankind because those scenes are awesome. Still, it's a cool and exciting space adventure and it makes you wish there'll be a sequel that goes all-out and increases the amount of action and great-looking spaceships.
Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi
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