29 July 2013

Dearest (Japan, 2012)

Recently widowed Eiji receives a letter from his late wife, Yoko, asking him to take her ashes back to her hometown. Wondering why she had never mentioned this to him in person, he embarks on a road trip in order to fulfill her wishes, meeting people along the way who shed light on her past. All the while Eiji is impelled by the promise of a second letter, which he can only claim once his task is completed.

Dearest, a compelling and melancholy drama, is targeting your tear canals.  Many times during the film viewers is treated to some really gorgeous cinematography and nice melodies, which only make this journey a bit harder. A couple of interesting characters helps making Eiji's trip a more exciting one, including a cameo by director and actor Takeshi Kitano. 

Genre: Drama

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