A disillusioned killer embarks on his last hit but first he has to overcome his affections for his cool, detached partner. Thinking it's dangerous and improper to become involved with a colleague he sets out to find a surrogate for his affections. Against the sordid and surreal urban nightscape, he crosses path with a strange drifter looking for her mysterious ex-boyfriend and an amusing mute trying to get the world's attention in his own unconventional ways.
Fallen Angels is a dreamlike ride through a hazy, violent Hong Kong. Wong's incredible work behind the camera and the perfect cinematography makes this one of the coolest films of his career. One of the biggest surprises is how well he handles the action scenes, making it all look like a John Woo-film with spraying bullets and slow-motion. The use of black-and-white filters to reflect the characters bleak emotions, the constant handheld camera that always flies across the scenes all contribute to making this one of the most brilliant films ever.