The film follows Nishi, a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the yakuza, the film follows Nishi as he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place. Nishi and his friends attempt to break out of their trap, and discover what it truly means to be alive along the way.
Oh, boy... how do I explain this one. Mind Game is most likely like nothing you've ever seen before. It was produced by Studio4°C, who also created the wonderful Tekkonkinkreet (2006). With this one, they made a big name for themselves, and delivered an animation fest like no other. I feel like it should say on the cover that you can't watch this film while under the influence, or while taking heavy medication because you will most likely go insane and sail into a world beyond ours. Imagine being on a drug that's been dipped in every crazy, over-the-top anime in existence, multiply the weirdness by a thousand, and you got yourself a trippy ride to another world.
Genre: Animation/Adventure/Comedy
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