Set in Hiroshima during World War II, an eighteen-year-old girl gets married and now has to prepare food for her family despite the rationing and lack of supplies. As she struggles with the daily loss of life's amenities she still has to maintain the will to live.
If you want to take a trip to one of Japan's toughest times in history, here's your chance. At first glance the film might look like a children's movie but that would be dead wrong, though it's definitely a story that resonates with your emotions and should be seen by both young and old. You feel so much for the main character and at the same time know what awaits at the end of the war. It could easily have gone overboard with melodrama and tearjerker-scenes but instead focuses on a precocious teen who's just trying to get by in the turmoil. Tons of cute moments and scenes that for the time being makes you forget there's a war out there, but In this Corner doesn't shy away from being gritty and dark either.
In 2019 an extended was released with the title In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World, with over 30 minutes of additional footage. The director and crew did a vast amount of research to get the era and all of the details just right.
Genre: Animation/Drama/Family