Following the bloody events of the first film, high school student Shinichi (Sometani Shota) has been acting as an increasingly unfeeling lone vigilante and taking out parasites with the help of Migi, the parasite nested in his right arm. His actions have attracted the notice of both the parasite leadership and the police task force investigating the mysterious epidemic of deaths. To save humanity from the increasingly organized and aggressive parasites, Shinichi must confront the most dangerous parasite of them all.
The shapeshifting aliens of Parasyte are back, and they're more dangerous than ever before. I mentioned that Part 1 had some great action sequences, and I'm happy to say that Part 2 doesn't disappoint either. The gore is all here and when a war between the aliens and the humans are brewing there's bound to be bloodshed. It does try to be a little bit too bombastic sometimes, with epic music accompanying dramatic speeches every 10-minutes. I think it would have benefitted from a slower buildup instead of having almost a full-blown climax every now and then. But it's intense, and the effects are fantastic.
Genre: Action/Drama/Horror