Tropical Malady explores the passionate relationship between two men with unusual consequences. The film is divided in two parts. The first half charts the modest attraction between two men in the sunny, relaxing countryside and the second half charts the confusion and terror of an unknown menace lurking deep within the jungle shadows.
When Tropical Malady screened at the Cannes Film Festival, some of the audience members left in the middle of it, and those who stayed until the end booed it. Now, I know that doesn't exactly makes one terribly excited to see it, but I'm highly surprised at the negative response to this film. I guess some of it could be due to the fact that the film completely changes setting halfway through to a story line which isn't as interesting as the first one, but that isn't enough reason to bash it in my opinion. I recommend giving it a fair chance, especially if you're interested in Thai cinema.
Genre: Drama/Romance