Eureka tells the story of the lasting effects of a violent experience on three people, a teenage brother and sister, Naoki and Kozue, and a bus driver, Makoto Sawai. These three are the sole survivors when a bus is hijacked by a deranged killer. Naoki and Kozue looses their parents and do not return to school. The two children continue to live alone in the family home. Meanwhile Makoto is finding it impossible to carry on normal life, and short thereafter, Makoto moves in with Naoki and Kozue.
A great drama in many ways. Eureka follows a group of people who've experienced something horrible, and are trying to live again. Cinematography and acting are all fantastic. It should be said that it's quite a long film, clocking in at 3h40m, but it's an investment you definitely won't regret.
Genre: Drama